Posts Tagged With: right way

An old man I knew.

In memory of late Saifuddin Uncle Lotia…

There was an old man I knew,
He had the smartest walk in town,
A walk, so straight and tall,
Yet, he wasn’t proud, at all.

A man so humble, in his words,
Yet, sarcasm filled the air,
His smile, so light and fresh,
That no one minded, what he had said.

A man a teacher not,
Yet he taught me a great more lot,
Not by words or formulas that I saw,
But in, the character and shape he sought.

He was a silent man, with a lot of work,
A space in corner, in his office, I recall,
His chair is silent, but something lives,
On his table, his presence still reverberates.

On his funeral, the town had crowded,
For his service and work in society was known,
Not in boast, or words that he would have said,
But by what he did, was evident and shown.

No phrases, or words, could ever define him,
For he was more, than one could say,
He lives inside, who knows him by his place,
A place small, yet everything on its own.

From an MSBian,

Ruqaiya Lokhand.

Categories: Ruqaiya's | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

A beam of light abolishes darkness forever!


 In the darkness of life, even one speck of light can bring brightness. But, to brighten one’s life, one must always take the incentive to choose the right path. During our journey of life, our elders and teachers teach us many things; because, knowledge is like that one speck of light that can show us the way. But, the decision is ours, whether we choose to take knowledge in an optimistic way or a pessimistic way.

People, who teach us, always aim to clear the point of good and bad inside us. All they intend for, is to prepare and make us eligible enough to choose what is best. There are virtuous and immoral aspects, rights and wrongs, positives and negatives of every little act we come across. But we should be confident enough to choose whether life is good if it’s dark or if something can be done to make space for light to brighten life.

The decision of choosing the best, always comes from within. Therefore, we should try to abstain from taking the wrong path in life and taking things in a negative manner. Instead, try choosing the right path. Choosing the right path will always lead you to a better and enlightening future. Even one stroke of light can overcome dark. Darkness is going to abolish forever, if you just choose to take the right way in an optimistic manner. The two opposites of good and bad exist in all spheres; it is actually up to you how you tackle each situation with an incentive to choose the best.

It is said, that a beam of light abolishes darkness forever! So, to ensure your prosperity till eternity, all you must be able to do is to choose whether light abolishes darkness or darkness destroys light in our lives. Therefore, think twice, choose wise!

Alefiyah Rao.

Categories: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 13 Comments

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